2.5D Toolkit allows you to easily and quickly create and manage 2.5D environments for your games. It can also be used just to create meshes of any shape and complexity.
Use 2D backgrounds with sprites and 3D objects to create adventures like The Longest Journey, Broken Sword, Syberia and other great games.
Draw your navigation areas without the slightest effort by switching from Game View to Scene View and vice versa according to your needs. Draw as many areas (walkable and non-walkable) as you want. From version 3.1 multilevel is supported. Bake your navmesh or create and save a mesh from it.
Place 2D and 3D objects in Game View exactly where you want them to be. Move, scale and rotate them thus easily obtaining environment you want to build. Build your scene just how you want others to see it.
What You See is What You Get.
You can work in Scene View and manage everything yourself or use the powerful tools provided by 2.5D Toolkit.
Both perspective and orthographic cameras are supported.
You can choose which PPU to use for your scene. It will automatically be applied to the sprite during initialization. 2.5D Toolkit is able to calculate the right camera size or distance so that your sprites will not need to be resized making your work even easier.
You can export a file containing all scene settings or all your game objects as prefabs to rebuild the scene easily and quickly.
The scene built with 2.5d Toolkit can be used in all assets for creating adventure games. You can refer to the manual or video to use your scene with Adventure Creator.
If you encounter problems while developing an environment and you don’t know how to proceed contact us.
The 2.5d Toolkit and any part of it does not need to be integrated into game development.