Start up

Note: Note: The 2.5D Toolkit menu has been expanded with new features as well as the Editor. You may find some images slightly different from the new layout, but the process for setting the scene remains unchanged

If you have not done it yet, Import 2.5D Toolkit. You can initialize it in two different ways.

  • Create a new scene and click [MainMenu/Tools/VB Game Studio/Start 2.5D Toolkit]
  • Click on [MainMenu/Tools/VB Game Studio/Reset 2.5D Toolkit/Reset and create a new scene].
    • Note: this option will not ask you to save the previous scene. All work will be lost.

The GameObject VB25dTK with VBAreaTK as child will be created in the Hierarchy. A new 2.5d Toolkit window will be created. Dock it near the Inspector.

Save scene. Scene name is required as 2.5D Toolkit will use a folder with this name to save some data.

Place side by side Scene View and Game View and enable Gizmos in Game View.

Show Navigation from [MainMenu/Window/AI]. If it is not visible you will have to load it with Package Manager. It is advisable to use Navigation (obsolete).

As soon as you create a new scene you will need to set up your new work.

Save the scene.

Drag the Main Camera from the Hierarchy into its field.

You can change the text color by 2.5dTK and define the PPUs you want to work with. Note that changing the PPUs will reset the current work. Both the background image and the sprites you will use in the scene will be set according to this parameter.



Note: Starting from version 3.1, the Multi-Level scene option has been added to this section. Activate it to draw areas on different level. Visit this manual page to learn how to use it.


Now you need to set the camera projection type. In orthographic projection you can choose whether to work on XZ or XY axes.

Set work type. You can choose to work with 2.5d environment (by default), Tilemap and Simple Mesh.

According to your choice different settings will be shown.

The Simple Mesh option allows for the use of the background camera or freehand drawing.

Choose the PPUs you intend to work with. From now on the sprites will be created with these PPUs.

According to the initial configuration chosen, the Camera Background field will appear. Drag your background image from the project folder. It can be either a 2D Texture or a 2D sprite.

A popup will warn you to set the correct resolution in Game View. The camera distance/size will be set automatically according to the image size. This way any sprites cropped from this image won’t have to be scaled.

The Character field will appear. You can decide whether or not to use it in setting up your scene. However, it is strongly recommended because it will allow you to test your scene well. You can enter it at any time. Two scripts, ObjControl and CharCtrl25dTKPersp or CharCtrl25dTKOrtho, will be added to it. 

If you use your own character, follow the instructions below.

It must have only two components:

Animator, with AnimCtrl25dTK as controller and Apply Root Motion unchecked.

Nav Mesh Agent, with the Height value set according to its height.

If you need to reset your scene and start from scratch click the Start over button below the character field.

Author: vbgamestudio